It is a non-government and independent statutory body. SFC works to regulate securities and futures market in SFC Hong Kong. It was established by SFCO (Securities and Futures Commission Ordinance). This is the body that governs and administers laws in these markets. It also facilitates their development. It is responsible for ensuring orderliness in these markets as well for the protection of investors.
It works to promote this city as the key market and financial center of china. It was created in the year 1989 after the stock market crash of 1987. The primary objects of this statutory body are:
To ensure and promote efficiency, fairness, transparency, and competitiveness in all the transactions in these markets
Ensure public understanding and knowledge
Protect the interest of investor
Cut down on chances of misconduct and crime
Work on reducing the risk
The overall function of SFC is to ensure financial stability of SFC Hong Kong. The operational units of securities and futures commission in Hong Kong are including of policy, corporate finance, supervision of market, enforcement, as well as licensing & intermediaries supervision. Every single operational unit of SFC is supported by corporate affairs division as well as legal services department. Any individual or corporate that is licensed to perform any of the below mentioned actives are regulated by SFC.
Those dealing in futures and securities contracts
Leveraged Forex (foreign exchange) trading
Asset management
Securities margin financing
Advising on future contract, and corporate financing
Credit rating service
Those that offer automated trading service